Flooring Installations by jackking.com – Horror stories, etc. of larger Flooring companies


These are excerpts from the Consumer Affairs website:


Carlotta, a contractor from Houston, writes (12/27/03):
I’m a female General Contractor who owns a small remodeling company. I’ve read some of the complaints of the customers and have this to add. Large companies such as Home Depot are slowly putting small businesses out of business by offering the customers to install their products.


Home Depot has to hire contractors to do the installing in order to have quality work done. The problem is that the contractors’ prices are being driven down by home Depot in order to get the customers to give the job of installation to them. Their prices are much less than the average cost for installation done by the average contractor.


When the customer searches for a contractor on his own and compares the price with Home Depot, he chooses the cheaper price. It’s like the old saying, “You get what you pay for.”


Most of the people at Home Depot are specialists in the fields of merchandise and materials. Most are not contractors. They may have a basic knowledge of the actual repair itself but do not have the skills of a good contractor. Therefore, they have to hire contractors to be on call to install their merchandise. They set the prices for the repairs, but this should only be done by a general contractor that has good estimating skills. Their low estimates keep small business contractors from getting jobs because of the price differences.
Carlotta Stark

Houston Texas 77026


Darren, a contractor from Wichita, writes:
As for the dissatisfied Home Depot users, I can only say this: I am a contractor myself and I know that everyone wants to get the most for his/her hard-earned dollar and in this case you take a do-it-yourself store that is only going to be as good as the people it hires and the quality of work on its installs is only going to be as good as the quality of the cheap-labor-oriented companies they hire.


Some blame must go to the customer for being too trusting and not asking for successful installs, which are public info to anyone who asks, then basing your decision to do or not to do business.


In short, it is OK to buy materials at a reasonable price but not everyone knows how to install properly. Would you hire a professional to do a real job or a handyman?


Darren Bohanon
Bohanon Woodworking
Wichita, Kansas

They’re right. Consumers should always, always, always ask for a list of recent jobs the contractor has done and then check out those jobs — go see them, talk to the prior customers. It’s also important to have a clear contract that everyone understands and to be reasonable and understanding when glitches occur, as they almost always do. If Home Depot can give you a list of happy customers who’ve had similar jobs done, more power to them. But don’t count on it.


Jennifer of Lake Forest CA (1/6/04):
Last July, I decided to replace all of the flooring in my house. I placed a deposit for my Pergo flooring at the Expo Design Center in Laguna Niguel. After waiting a few weeks to be contacted in order to set an appointment for a measuring, I called the store myself to find the associate who had written my original order was no longer with the store and my paperwork would have to be located.


After finally reaching an associate who could assist me, I paid for the full cost of materials and installation totaling $5604.54 with my Home Depot Credit Card on August 21. I was told the material would take four to six weeks to be delivered since it was a special order product. The materials were delivered at the end of September and the installation was started on October 13.


During the installation, 15 cases of the Pergo were found to have milling defects so that the pieces would not fit together correctly. The installer at first set the defective pieces aside, marking them with his pencil. He soon noted a common batch number. He originally counted seven cases and notified the store and asked them to order seven replacement cases. After the installer had inspected all of the material, he reported an additional eight cases to have the same defect and notified the store of the new amount.


The store contacted me on November 14 to inform me that my order for seven cases of Pergo flooring was in and ready to be picked up with a balance due. After making many phone calls and leaving numerous messages at all levels from the delivery and pickup department to the store’s General Manager to The Home Depot’s Customer Care Line, the additional eight cases arrived and were delivered to me on November 26. I was told by the store’s Quality Control Manager that some of the cases were opened because he personally inspected them. I again had to make a series of phone calls to the Customer Care line, the General Manager, and to the installer just to get an installation appointment on December 18.


When the installer arrived, he immediately began taking a board from each case to see if any had the same milling defect. Not only did many have that same defect, but most were of the exact same batch number as before. The installer even noted a few pieces that had pencil markings identical to those the previous installer had made! I have left messages for the store’s General Manager, Mike Kenzie, on December 18 and again on December 23, and have yet to hear from him or speak with him. I left a message for the Expo Design Center District Manager, Johnny Cardena, on December 19. I have received no response from that message either. And on December 29, I mailed a letter detailing my problems to the CEO, Bob Nardelli, at The Home Depot Headquarters. I have received no response as of yet from that letter. I even filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau on December 5 to which the store has not responded. I have a two page log of all communication made and actions taken.


Because of all of the delays, I had to take my family to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner, I had to have family to my house for Christmas and New Year’s Day with an unfinished kitchen, and had to cancel and reschedule appointments twice with another contractor who I hired to install the base molding. I used my Home Depot Credit Card because of a six months no interest special. This promotion period ends on 2/23. I received a message from a sales associate today that my new replacement flooring won’t be in for another two weeks. At this rate, the six month period will have ended before I get my flooring even completed! And still have yet to hear from the General Manager at the store, the District Manager, or anyone from The Home Depot Headquarters.


Steve of Glen Cove NY (1/6/04):
I am writing to you hoping that I will get somewhere with this because I have been having a problem for a while now and nobody has the decency to even give me a call back. On 11/29/03 I purchased tile from home depot expo and was told that it would take 2 weeks to get it in stock. I did not have a problem with that being that I ordered this tile well enough in advance, because my contractor was not going to install it for another 2 weeks so it would work out perfect.


I waited 3 weeks and nobody even called me concerning my order! I had to call the store numerous times and I was told two times that my order was on the truck and going to be delivered to the store in 2 days. Well 2 days passed and I still did not have my tile and I still did not receive a phone call from the store. Meanwhile I had my contractor in my house waiting for these tile to be delivered so he can install them. It was getting close to the holidays and I expected to be finished with my bathroom renovation project, but I did not even have my tiles yet.


On 12/20/03 I called the store again and was told that the tiles were once again on the truck and were to be at the store on 12/22/03. Well 12/22/03 came and went and still no tiles. I was so fed up with this, I wanted to cancel the order. I had called the store once again and they had told me that I cannot cancel the order, and if I did they would charge me a 20% re-stocking fee!


It is now 1/6/04 and I still have no tiles and my contractor is still charging me $300 a day to be at my house because of Home Depot’s Stupidity. To top it all off I was in the store this past weekend and the salesman who sold me the tiles said that the cap molding that I had ordered did not come in the color that I wanted. After 6 weeks you are going to tell me that? This was a nightmare dealing with Home Depot. I will never ever shop in a Home Depot store ever again. Dealing with Expo was like a dog-and-pony show. Nobody knew what was going on and nobody even cared. I have made a call to the customer service line to file a complaint, and they said someone would call me back and I have not heard from anyone.


I now have my garage loaded with 3 toilets, 3 sinks, a bathtub, and all of the fixtures that were for my 3 bathrooms that I was remodeling all purchased at HOME DEPOT EXPO which I am going to return.


Mark of Ridgewood NJ (9/19/03):
I have been experiencing numerous delays and poorly set and missed expectations primarily driven by one of Expo’s suppliers, Hoboken Floors. Specifically I have placed an order for bathroom tiles and in first week of August. Initial date I got for tiles was August 21. A few days before this ship date I checked with store and was told that tiles were back ordered to Sept 12. I called again on Sept 10 to verify and was given Sept 19. I called on Sept 17 and now have been told Sept 23. To say that I am annoyed and extremely dissatisfied with my experience with Expo is a major understatement.



The one-stop-shopping idea for remodeling sounds good but it often doesn’t work out too well. Besides the complaints below, we have a warehouse full of complaints about:


Anthony of Englewood NJ (10/25/02):
We purchased and paid for a floor installation from Home Depot Expo, and paid an additional sum to have the floor leveled. After installation we realized it was not level, and to rectify the problem now means removing the entire floor. This dispute has been going on for some time, and not once has anyone from Expo contacted me, I had to call time and again to the store, and even corporate office.


The total monetary cost was about $8500.00, but we also have not been able to use the room, as we haven’t completed the rest of the decoration etc in the room, as we want to see what happens in regards to the floor

Catherine of Washington, DC (10/19/02):

  • 4/5/02 Floor purchased with $1.00 per sq. ft. subfloor installation fee recommended by sales associate because wood floor was to be installed over concrete Total cost $4,813
  • 5/21/02 Floor installed by International Floor Services contractor of Home Depot Expo Center without preparation to the subfloor.
  • 6/17/02 Floor buckled in hallway and main room. Buckle was length of hallway and 8 ft in length in main room. Other small raised areas in main room.
  • 6/26/02 Customer contacts International Floor Services and IFS attempts to repair buckles by removing hallway wood and 1ft into main area. No wood was left from the initial installation and several pieces of the wood were damaged during removal. These pieces were used to reinstall the hallway with excessive use of wood putty. No thresholds or T-molding was used between the hallway and bathroom adjacent to hallway. Instead International Floor Services places wood putty between floor and marble threshold of the bathroom.
  • 7/5/02 Floor buckles in same locations as 6/17/02. Customer contact International Floor Services to report floor is buckling for second time.
  • 7/20/02 Customer returns from vacation to find water damage from condo air conditioning condensate pipe. Floor damaged areas are bedroom carpet and hallway. 7/23/02 Customers insurance company comes to condo and assesses damage. Insurance sets up 2 fans and 2 dehumidifiers. Insurance tells customer to report damage to installer. Customer reports flood damage to International Floor Services
  • 7/25/02 International Floor Services inspects damage to floor. At this time IFS does not inform customer that he no longer works for the Home Depot Expo Center. IFS does not inform customer that warranty is voided after water damage unless the entire floor is replaced. IFS tell customer that floor should be removed in hallway area and 5ft from hallway in the main area. IFS says they will order materials and set up install date at a later time when the concrete subfloor is dry.
  • 7/26/02 International Floor Services contacts customer and tells customer to order 10cases of floor and 60 ft. of molding. Customer orders these items. Order Number 177217. Total cost $1240
  • 8/2/02 International Floor Services removes wood from hallway and 3 ft from hallway in main living area. Customer pays IFS $600 for removal of damaged wood. IFS does not inform customer that by paying IFS directly customer no longer has a warranty from Home Depot Expo Center.
  • 9/11/02 International Floor Services installs floor. Customer pays IFS $850.
  • 9/20/02 Floor buckles in same locations as 7/5/02 and 6/17/02.
  • 9/25/02 Select Floors, a contractor of Home Depot Merrifield, inspects floor. Tells customer that floor needs to be completely reinstalled with preparation to subfloor. Select Floor tells customer that there are various flaws in the installation which include not leaving space under shoe molding for expansion and contraction of the wood and no preparation of the subfloor. Select Floors estimated cost of repair and reinstallation. Total cost estimated by Select Floors $1350 to level subfloor, $1611 to install wood, $192 to install base moldings, and $ 1533 to take up existing wood. Total cost estimated by select floor $4686 not including cost of new materials.
  • 9/28/02 International Floor Services inspects buckles. Asks customer if any wood is left over from installation. Customer tells IFS that no materials are left. IFS tells customer that wood does not need to be pull up. IFS tells customer to run a dehumidifier.
    10/1/02 Customer contacts Home Depot Expo Center and is notified that the warranty of the floor was invalidated by paying International Floor Services directly and by not removing all of the wood after water damage. Problems: No preparation of subfloor prior to initial installation Deception of International Floor Services to customer after water damage


Total cost of repair $7000 emotional damage and stress at least another $7000!


Keith of Wheaton IL (7/6/02):
My wife and I wanted to put slate tile in our kids’ bedrooms of new house we bought. We went to Expo center in Downers Grove and picked out 2 different styles of slate for the 2 rooms. We were informed that a contractor would contact us in a couple of days to take measurements. I informed them that we were on a tight schedule and was told not a problem. Two weeks passed and not a word, I called the Expo center and after many transfers I got hold of the manager who told me that they apparently had the wrong phone number for the contractor and have been unable to reach them. Nobody thought to call me.


The contractor was contacted and he came out within two days to take measurements. When he was done I was told that the measurements I gave Expo center were “right-on” and that he would be able to get to work in the first week of July (barely making my time schedule). Again another two weeks pass and I received a call from Expo center saying they just got the measurements in and that the order had to be increased by 28% due to my mis-measurements (the same ones that the contractor said were “right-on”) and that it wouldn’t be until the end of July before they could even get the tile. Now luckily Expo hadn’t ordered the tile yet so I was able to back out of the deal, but they dropped the ball twice and raised the price of the job from $5800 to $6400.

Floors are pretty essential, and working on them creates quite a mess even when all goes well. For a couple of book-length tales of horror, read what happened to


Beate of Torrance CA (09/10/06)
I received a written quote from Home Depot for Bamboo Hardwood Flooring. Somewhere in the quote was the word Laminate mentioned. I was ensured that it is actual wood since bamboo doesn’t come in laminate. I was quoted just short of USD 8000. I paid with my credit card and was told that the installers would call within two days. The installers never called and I called back Home Depot. My order was never processed and I was not informed of this! The reason being was that Home Depot suddenly asked for USD 4000 more.


First I spoke with Vicki who had the same two prices I had (one for the wood and one for the installing) but she added up the installing twice. I tried to explain her basic math when she hung up. I contacted the main Home Depot office who then put me in contact with a manager at Home Depot Torrance. He was not willing to honor the written agreement either. I thought about fighting Home Depot in court. But frankly, these incompetent people don’t deserve my money. I went to Carpet Wagon with terrific service and now have a better quality wood installed for the same price.


Roy of Port Angeles WA (08/11/06)
Contrated and paid $14,671.50 for contractor to renew tile and hardwood in Kitchen, entry, Dining room foyer and Living room. Was informed this job was a 5 days job. Contractor that Home Depot utilizes in our area is Coverall Inc. We are in day 13 and still 2 plus days asway from completion if the contractor shows up to the jobsite. Hoem has been completely torn up and complaints to Home Dept Store 8998 on now less than 8 occasions explaining our frustrations with the contractor . Assistant manager came to our home upon our insistance on one occasion to see what the problem is with completion.

Today has been the final day I have allowed this ongoing situation. I have phoned the local store manager and informed him I am not going to allow this to go on any longer and the contractor is not permitted on the premises only to collect tools left outside the home. I ned to research what our options are to get htis resolved asap so we can get our hoem and affairs in order . This home depot has been the most un-professional store you can imagine. I have taken phots and kept a running log of excuses. Starting at 12 noon and working till 4 am in the morning to picking up materials which should have been supplied to not showning up at all on the job. All of this the local Home Depot ahs been daily informed of with zero results.


Terrie of Desoto TX (05/22/06)
I just read a consumer complaint online concerning The Home Depot and their flooring subcontractor, Cooper Floors in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. We had a bad experience with both companies as well. The Home Depot rep came to my house and measured the space for hardwood flooring. I ordered everything he suggested. We were told the installation around the fireplace would be under-cut which was explained as being the wood cut at an angel to fit close to the brick.

We were in another room during the installation, came out to discover our brick being sawed with a power saw and dust was all over the house, including in the grand piano that was open. Had I told, I certainly would have covered furniture. The dust is in my a/c vents, everywhere. My husband tried to get the house professionally cleaned by Home Depot but no one would take responsibility. It’s been over 2 yrs now, I’m sure there’s nothing else we can do. They put us off until we finally gave up. And as it turned out, they had sold me too much of everything. I could have guessed better than they measured.

Dan of Riverside CA (04/01/06)
I was flipping through google and came accross this website. I started to read complaints on Home Depot and realized they were talking about the same problems I had a few months back. I ordered wood floors back in Sept. 2005, and because I don’t have a lot of time, I’ll make this story short. I was told that the floors would be delivered in two weeks. The floors didn’t come in two weeks. Instead at the two week mark I called and they said it would be another month.

When that month was up, I called again and they said it was going to be 3 months, because of back ordering. I was told it would be ready in early January now. Well, January came around, and when I called, they lost the order and would have to reorder the floors. Two weeks later, the floors came in. It took a total of 5 months to get an order that was supposed to be 2 weeks. Why did I wait so long? I was moving into a new home and I had left over floors of the same type that I wanted to use for my own floors.

I had to pay in full when I ordered the floors, which I didn’t feel comfortable doing. Throughout the complaining, I finally got 5% knocked off. And that was a struggle because they wanted me to choose a different type of floor, and thought that they didn’t need to compensate me because they were offering a different floor. I will never special order from Home depot again. I personally know 4 families who have had similar problems.


Tom of Brooklyn NY (02/18/06)
I recently purchased cabinets, (including installation) appliances, and flooring from Home Depot.

1st problem:Found vinyl flooring that was special order, and installation. They measured and gave a price. for the flooring. I gave an O.K. They called back 5 days later and said it would cost $1700.00 more for install. I canceled install but still wanted floor. The flooring guy canceled everything and told me to get floor it would take me 2 more weeks.

I already had cabinets delivered and made appointment for cabinet installation. I had to pay to have new floor put in by another company so cabinets could be put in properly. When calling floor deptment I was hung up on several times.

Cabinet installation company (Craft Masters) had to be called back to finish job properly (they didn’t tape the sheetrock installation which was paid for). They asked me about back splash area behind sink I said eventually I would tile, they said we don’t need to tape if you’re going to tile area. Finally after complaining they came back.

#3 I paid to have appliances installed. They only installed microwave and range, they didn’t install water line for refrigerator, or give me kit to install myself. I purchased kit myself and installed myself. They didn’t install dishwasher, I also had to install. After calling and complaining they finally refunded installation charges.

I paid over $17000.00 for everything and I feel I was not treated properly. I lost $$$ on turning down overtime to do something I had already paid for.


Cory of Euless TX (02/14/06)
I went to my local Home Depot to purchase wood flooring for my first house, boy was I excited.

First, I decide what I wanted and the girl writes a ticket and says thanks have a great day. Wow! that seemed way too easy. Truer words have never been spoken. Come to find out she had sold me base boards that don’t exist, failed to mention potential ‘hidden’ charges, and that their installers don’t perform certain functions like removing your original base boards in order to install the new ones.

My product arrives and I try for over a week and a half to get through to Cooper Flooring the contractor that Home Depot uses in my area. They finally came out and proceed to tell me they will not remove my base boards and need an additional $600 dollars on top of the $5,000 or so I had already paid Home Depot for product and ‘installation’.

I made some phone calls. While I was on the phone trying to get the bugs worked out, the installers pack up their van and leave. Eventually I got them back out there to install my floor. Well the base boards I thought I was receiving obviously did not show up, because they don’t exist.

Before the base arrived and was stained the floors began separating dramatically. agetting them out to inspect my floor Chris Rangel the Store Manager agreed to replace it. They lasted for about 7 months. I then had to go back to them because the second floor Home Depot and Cooper Flooring ‘the professionals’ installed began pulling away from the foundation.

I then tried to contact Chris Rangel and the stores expeditor Shelly to get them to fix my floor again. They proceeded to always be in meetings and unable to take my call and so busy they could not return my call as well. I then contacted the Customer Care Center in Atlanta and Spoke with Customer Care Rep. Lallie Hayes. She then proceeded to be totally unresponsive and unwilling to assist as well. She was always looking for a file or had a rough morning and unable to locate any of my information when I would get her on the phone.

I totally advise everyone who is considering using Home Depot’s home services to reconsider. I would also deter anyone from purchasing Bruce wood flooring. Either Home Depot is unable to install it properly or it is unable to be installed properly.


Michelle of Philadelphia PA (02/13/06)
Went to Home Depot the last week of January to place order for countertops and front door. Was told by door department that a measuring company would contact me to come out and measure. Someone came out to measure unannounced.

My mother in law was home alone. The man who came out and took measurements began to explain to my mother in law that the door I wanted would not fit properly. My mother in law asked him to call me and explain the reason, since she didn’t want to give me the wrong info.

Well, no one ever called me. Several days went by and still no call. Mind you I paid for the measurement. Called Home Depot and spoke to a manger named Barbara who told me she would folow up and call me back. She did. She stated that the person who measured didn’t realize I would be getting side lites with the front door she would call me back with a plan.

Found out later the same guy came out while I was at work to remeasure. It has been a week now and no phone call as to whether I can or can’t get this door. Called tonight to speak with a manager. Held for 45 minutes to be told he is not available. Spoke to customer services and he stated we could come in to get our money back but no apology or an offer to rectify the situation.

Finally was put through to a manger who offered no reasoning or excuse but just that he understood. I am very dissatisfied and extremely upset for all this time lost when I could’ve had my door. I decided not to use Home Depot for my counter tops or for the door.


Carol of Thornton CO (02/12/06)
On Sat Feb 11 at 10 am I went into the Home Depot to look for carpet for the basement steps. I had a sample of carpet to match. The sales clerk was very rude. I stated that I need help with carpet and blinds. He said that he would only do carpet as blinds were not his department. He didn’t even offer to find me other assistance for that.

Then he stated that it would “take too long” to find that particular carpet because he had too many samples to choose from. Never once did he use the sample I had to direct him in the right direction. When I suggested looking at the bulk display, he rudely asked if the carpet was a wool or poly. As a representative of the flooring department it should be his job to tell me what type it was.

The whole time all he did was complain that he wouldn’t be able to help me. At this point I got fed up with his attitude and told him that they were much more helpful at Lowe’s up the street and I would be purchasing the carpet there.

He reluctantly gave me my sample back. I have been using this Home Depot to complete a remodel all summer long. I have an account with them and wished to continue shopping there. However this one person made me not buy anything from them that day. I went up the street and purchased blinds, door knobs, and brackets. from them. I have made a request for them to come an measure the carpet which they will be putting in. Too bad they lost out on a good sale. Cash no less


Melissa of Mission Viejo CA (01/03/06)
After ordering Pergo flooring for entire home in April, and paying for entire order and install in full on April 25, 2004 ($16,500), it has taken nearly six months to get the installation done correctly.

For four months most of my furniture stayed in my garage as I had to be sure not to show evidence that I damaged any of the flooring or caused any of the problems (the installer continued to try to blame me or anything else he could for the problems).

While the problem was largely with Pacific Southwest Installation, Home Depot did very little for the first four months to get the problems fixed. In fact, I went through three different Home Depot reps in a four month period (they kept getting fired). After the fourth rep was assigned, the installation problems were finally done correctly on November 23 of this year.

While the original job is now completed, it took six months to get it to this point.


Daniel of Johnson City TN (2/9/05):
I purchased $4400.00 worth of flooring from Home Depot. I installed it myself. I installed similar flooring in my last home and had no problems. This floor has been down about seven months. The floor is coming apart, separating, buckling, you name it. I went to Home Depot and told them of the problems and they sent Chris D from flooring out to look at the floor. After he looked at it he said he would be happy to file a claim.

About 1 week went by and I got a message from a floor inspector. I called him and told him when he could get in to see the floor because of my work hours. He left me a message that he did not work those kind of hours. Keep in mind he is getting paid to do this inspection. What’s wrong with this picture? So in order to accommodate him I had to take off work. He told me he would be here around 12:00 — he shows up 5 hours later.

He goes through my house with me and I start showing him the problems. He pulls a piece of my baseboard off and agrees that I have allowed plenty enough room for expansion. Then he takes a moisture tester and checks the moisture in my house and says the reading is normal.After the inspection I waited about 1 week. I decided to go to Home Depot and find out something. Italked to Brian, store manager. He told me that they would do everything that they could do to take care of the prblem.

About 5 days later Chris D got my claim back and it was denied. The inspector stated in his report that I had moisture problems and improper installation. I was in shock after me being here during the inspection and him agreeing to the problems I pointed out. He left me a paper that said I was entitled to another inspection. I called Brian W and his tone sure had changed. He talked to me very rude and said there was nothing he could do about it.

I told him about the paper that I had about another floor inspection and he said he would have to see it to believe it. So I took it to the store and told him to make a copy of it. I have done tons of business with this store and not one time have they tried to apologize or say they are sorry about what has happened. All I wanted was a refund for the flooring so I could buy something descent to go in my home that was worth the money instead of this junk they sold me.


Bob of Loveland CO (11-11-04):
I purchased vinyl flooring from Home Depot in Loveland, CO. The flooring was installed on 8/7/04. Unfortunately, I was charged for several things not done. Meanwhile, the underlayment I was charged for that wasn’t done has now created issues with my 15 year warranty from Armstrong. I have an email message from Armstrong saying that the underlayment is required.

Home Depot corporate didn’t reply to a letter from an attorney, the BBB and several from me. But their invoice clearly states that all changes to the invoice must be done in writing and, if not, I can request a refund for materials and labor not used. So far, I have received nothing to remedy this situation but a lot of lies. I have everything in writing but it doesn’t seem to make a difference to them. They admitted they were wrong but will not take care of the warranty problem. We are now into the fourth month with this and are no further in straightening this out than day one.


Greg of Portland, OR (09-28-04):
Purchased carpet to replace basement and upstairs carpet. We were told we would have carpet in 10 business days, turned out to be 3 1/2 weeks. Had basement carpet installed first only to find out they shipped us the wrong carpet color. My wife called the store to find out what they were going to do to fix the mistake, but has been given the run around for a week now.

We now have a basement that is unusable. My wife’s home office is the main area of the basement and can’t be put back together until this is finished. Our upstairs is only pad, as I had already torn out the old carpet for the installers to do their job after installing the basement carpet.

Home Depot is not taking responsibilty for the screw up, saying it was the supplier’s mistake and that their supplier will have to figure out what went wrong and get back to us. At this point I would say were screwed because we have no leverage to get what we want, which is the carpet removed and the correct color installed. I will never buy from Home Depot again!


Judy of Mobile, AL (8/06/04):
Home Depot installed ceramic tile in my kitched and bathrooms in 2001. After a year the tile started cracking. Several inspectors hired by Home Depot came out, and declared that the damages were work-related due to improper underlayment installation. After this, I went round and round with the store in Mobile and the customer service department in Atlanta. A woman finally wrote me a denial letter saying that there was not enough evidence to support a faulty workmanship claim.

I spent $3500 on the floors, and now they are all cracking in seams criss-crossing across the kitchen. The value of my house has been diminished because of the cracking tile, and I am out $3500 for a shoddy floor.


Michael of Philadelphia, PA (7-20-04):
I bought laminate flooring from Home Depot in March 2004. I was moving into a new house on June 1st. I arranged to pick up the product in store. The day I arranged to pick up the product I was told that is was not in stock. I arranged for another day to pick up the product. The next arrangement was also cancelled because the store did not have the product. The same thing happened on the third time I made arrangements to pick up the product. After the third time, I cancelled the whole order.

On April 8, 2004 I went to the store on Columbus Blvd with all my paperwork for a refund. I was told that Home Depot would mail me a check within three weeks. It is now July 20, 2004 and I still have not received my refund. I have been in contact with people from the home office and the original store of purchase in Philadelphia. I was given the runaround time after time. People that I was told should be handling this matter would not even give me the courtesy of speaking to me on the phone. Those who did were rude and condescending.


Terry of McKinney TX writes (12/2/01):
I bought carpet and vinyl for my home and it was sold to me that it was guaranteed for life including installation, but now the seams of the vinyl are rolling up and Home Depot says that it is not covered.


Carl of Edgewater FL (6-14-04}:
In the middle of May, we bought a Bruce Engineered hardwood floor from Home Depot for $7,500, and had it shipped to our home. My wife and I moved all of our furniture out of the rooms in which the hardwood floor was to be installed. My wife and I then went to buy some scatter rugs for the hardwood floors, at a cost of $600.00.

The installers came to our home to install on 6/2/04. The installers were to take out all our carpet, remove ceramic tiles in the parlor in front of our fire place, in front of our glass slider and remove ceramic tiles in the foyer, 225 tiles in all. While one man was removing carpets, the other man started checking the concrete floor for flatness. He told my wife that the flatness was way off, and that for concrete grinding and fill it would cost approximately $1,750 for that one room. He also said the bedroom floor was way off, and that it would cost a lot to flatten out as well. The man said that even if we got all the extra work done it would have to be inspected, and there would be no guarantee that the floor could be laid after all. In the mean time the installers kept removing tiles and carpet.

Then the man said we just came from a job at Daytona Beach, and it was going to cost that customer $1,500 for the same problem with her floor. My wife called me at work to tell me of the problem and the cost of fixing it. I told her to tell them to stop work, but it was too late. All the tiles and 2/3 of the carpet had been removed.

The next day we went to Home Depot and got to talk to Jeff the store manager he assured us that we would get our money back as soon as possible. Then he sent a floor man down to our home to see what could be done with our floors. This man told us that it should not have cost us any more then $700 to flatten the floors, but because the installers were the ones that warranteed the floor we had to do it their way. My wife and I decided not to go with wood because of the risk and possible cost — we just couldn’t afford it.

We were now living on 750 sq. ft. of concrete floors with no coverings, so of course we wanted to get something that will look good. So we went back to Home Depot to find a carpet. While there I checked on how soon we could get our money back and found that we were going to be charged for the work the installers did at our home at a cost of $381.00. I didn’t like it but blew it off. Over the next week my wife changed her mind a couple times about the color and grade of carpet, and decided to buy tiles from another company as Home Depot did not have what we wanted.

On 6/9/04 we had the tiles replaced in the same areas they were removed, by someone other than Home Depot. On 6/12/04 we went to pay for the carpet we had chosen with a credit card. (Home Depot told us it is better to pay by credit because it is easier to get your money back if you want to return.)

Well, anyhow, we went to pay for the carpet and that is when all hell broke out. We had gone to the flooring department to pick up the order to bring to customer service with the sales clerk. When we got to customer service a gentleman had trouble finding the measurements for installers. Dianna, an employee, over heard this conversation and came to the desk and said “Oh, you people cost us $7,000 — we lost $7,000 because of you.” I said “What? What are you talking about?” And then she said that the company didn’t want to continue with the contract for the carpet. My wife and I didn’t understand what was happening.

Then Dianna started calling us liars and I asked what she was talking about. She ust continued humiliating us in front of two other employees and one customer. She said that the company didn’t want to do any more business with us. That was very humiliating and embarassing to us, and she was laughing about it. When I asked her who said this, and who told her not to sell us the carpet, she laughed again and said she wasn’t going to tell us.

Now, what is this all about? We are apparently the laughing stock of Home Depot. I can’t for the life of me understand why the company would have wasted my time helping me pick out the carpet and send their men to measure my floors, and then tell me to kiss off. Is this a store or is this a place where you go to be humiliated and belittled? My wife and I are very upset and embarassed by this kind of treatment.


Dawn of Massapequa, NY, writes:
I purchased flooring from Home Depot and had it instsalled about 2 years ago. At that time I contacted them about one month after it was installed because it was coming up. I continued to get the runaround. They admitted that there was a problem but proceeded to put me off.

I ended up going into the hospital and being put on bed rest due to premature labor of my baby for two months. In that time my husband brought our open paperwork to me at the hospital and by mistake the hospital threw it out. The only copy of the paperwork was in there. Home Depot claims that they have no record of this since it was over one year ago!

They did come to the house in May and agreed that it was definitely put down wrong but, once again I am getting the runaround. They said they would do the job and to come in and pick out flooring! After calling and calling FOR 3 MONTHS NOW and picking out flooring they now say that they will not install it!


“Tapeworm of West Hempstead, NY, writes (6/27/00):
I put down a new kitchen floor (ceramic tiles) with thinset bought from Home Depot. I had bought 2 bags, one gray and one white. After putting down the floor and waiting the proper amount of time for the thinset to cure, I went to walk on it and foud that all the tiles put down with the grey thinset were loose while all the tiles put down with the white thinset were solidly bonded to the floor.

I went to Home Depot and spoke with the asst. store manager (first name Henry). I explained what happened and he said he would come to my house to evaluate the problem. When he came to my house, he looked at the floor and said I used the wrong type of thinset. Than I asked him why the other tiles were bonded so well? His reply was that I shuoldn’t have used this thinset on this floor because of a freeze-thaw condition. (Remember- it’s the beginning of June…the temperature is not making drastic changes).

So I asked him why aren’t the other tils popping up if it’s the wrong surface? He sidestepped that question by telling me that he’s off on Thursday and Friday and he would come to my house and clean up all the loose tiles and rebond them to the floor. At first I said ok, but after having other contractors evaluate the problem, and also asking the distributor of these tiles for their professional opinion (they said it was defective thinset) I went to Home Depot to ask Henry if he had a contractors license and insurance.

He asked why? I said to him if you’re going to work in my house than you realize you need those 2 things and I also want in writing what the problem was and what’s being done to rectify it. He said he doesn’t have a license any more but would use his brother’s license. Than I asked to speak to the store manager, Mike, and told him this story. He said to me “No, Henry did not go to your house”. And I replied yes he did and wants to work on it illegally.

Mike replied that he will get a rep from the thinset manufacturer to my house to evaluate this problem. After 6 days, the rep, Pete, came to my house and evaluated the problem. His first words were “Remember, you get what you pay for”. And then asked me why I didn’t buy thinset from the tile distributor. I told him because I bought the tiles a few months ago and waited until I was ready to put the tiles down. Than I asked “does it make a differrance?” He said no and proceeded to lecture me on how tiles are put down and how his company tests all their thinset and they never sell bad thinset.

He than made me an offer to supply me with all new thinset, wonderboard, grout, spacers, sealer, trowels and floats and asked me if that would make me happy. I said we’re making progress but who’s going to come clean the tiles and redo all this work. He said that he was sure Home Depot would hire a contractor and I wuold have to talk to Mike to confirm that. When I spoke to Mike he said Home Depot will not pay any labor and will only give me what Pete offered. I also tried to contact Home Depot’s consumer affairs office in Atlanta, and spoke with a Beverly and was advised they would get back to me. I’m still waiting on that response (3 weeks).

Now my kitchen has been torn apart for 5 weeks, my cabinet maker and countertop contractor has to wait until this is resolved, thinset is being tracked onto my rugs, one tile has already broken, there’s no way I can entertain with my kitchen apart, and the stress of this whole situation is unwarranted.


John of Mendon, MA, writes:
In 1998 I paid Home Depot to install 1,000 sq. feet of carpet in my home office. The carpet was installed by an 18 year old boy working alone who cut the carpet in the wrong direction causing a patchwork quilt of highly visible seams throughout the room. I called Home Depot twice about the problem with no return call. Finally I went to the store and complained and they returned my call.

It was still about 6 months before they actually inspected the carpet and agreed it had been improperly installed. Again no follow up until I ultimately visited the store in the process of looking at carpet for our living room. I was told that when the new installers installed the LR carpet they could confirm or fix the carpet botched by the previous installers. If not we could get a full credit or refund on the mislaid carpet.

What happened instead was that while the supervising installer was reaffirming that the carpet was installed improperly, his assistant was lifting my wallet from another part of the room. I only noticed the missing wallet after they left and was out $1,300 in cash and checks as well as having to replace all my credit cards. I called the store right away and had to call back three times to even get a supervisor. Even then I coudn’t get the store manager.

Eventually they had the contractor call me who only agree to replace the stolen cash. We set two appointments and he failed to show for both. This is the worst case of consumer abuse I have ever suffered in my entire life. I can’t believe I have suffered this type of treatment from a large publicly held company.


Bonnie in Marlton, NJ, writes:
Home Depot sent their carpet installers out to install 4 bedrooms of carpeting. After 5 and 1/2 hours there was not one room completed, they had spilled a gallon of paint, which got on furniture, cut the wrong carpet for the wrong bedrooms, tracked paint and spilled glue on our 5 month old carpet in the hall, chipped, cracked and got glue on door ways, had furniture jammed in our bathrooms so that we could not get to a shower, broke our closet door, etc…

We have 7 pages of documentation.

Here’s an update from Bonnie:
Home Depot has continued to not even respond to the suit, complete a walk through, our toilet is now leaking again that they had repaired 3 months after installation of pergo in our bathroom and now our the pergo is damaged and raising. This is absolutely phenomenal that they are trying to represent themselves as “customer oriented” and a wonderful chain of stores.

We have now been going through this with them for 10 months and our home is still not “put back together” and we are still incurring expenses for damage and repairs. We already have an attorney.

Express Flooring in Arizona
AKA: Express Home Services LLC
8028 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85051


We had done some research and decided to review the new Laminate floors that are all the rage these days. After pricing it out at the big Home Improvement stores, and looking at what it would take to install, we decided to give Express Flooring a try after seeing their add for 50% discounts.


Express Flooring does not have a showroom. The sales rep brings all the samples to you so you can compare them against your current color schemes. This was a feature that appealed to us.


After selecting the laminate we wanted, they set up an installation for 2 days later.


The installers showed up promptly and after ripping up the old vinyl floor, told us we had moisture on the concrete from when our dishwasher when bad and flooded six months ago. They told us we would not be able to have the floor installed until it was dry and they would not come back until Saturday. So for the next two days we had fans constantly running on the floor to dry it out.


On Saturday when the installer showed up, I expected them to get the floor done that day since there were two of them there, however after setting up the equipment the supervisor left his employee there and went to another job. The supervisor holds the contractor’s license and I firmly believe the employee he left behind did not. Throughout the day I had to help his employee move stuff around just so he could continue the job.



By the end of the day it was apparent that the job was not going to be finished. Supervisor showed up with two other helpers and took the guy who was there earlier to another job. The supervisor told me they were going to run short of materials and would have to come back tomorrow to finish the job.


The following day Sunday, only the supervisor showed backup to finish the job. After a couple hours the supervisor finished what he could do and informed me that he could not tack the carpet down where it met the kitchen since he was not a carpet person and someone would come the following day Monday to do it. Following up on Monday I was informed that it would be another week until a Carpet repair person would come in to finish the job. As you can see from the pictures on the left, the carpet is not tacked down and is loose causing a tripping hazard. They also left the kitchen floor with a thick layer of dust and trashed the carpet by the floor with dust from cutting the laminate right next to the back door with it open. After they left we had to go to work doing a nice clean up to get the floor to look good.


I am extremely disappointed in the installation services of Express Flooring. The product itself, a Mohawk laminate, looks very close to real wood and does make the kitchen look a whole lot better. If only it was completed when they said it would have been and not given me the runaround on finishing the carpet I would be extremely happy.


It is my opinion they should not send out an installer who is not qualified to complete an entire job and the licensed contractor should remain on the job at all times and not be shuffling workers from job to job.


If you’re looking to have your floor done fast I would not recommend Express Flooring.


I need to also add that one week later when their carpet expert came out to finish the job, he did a good job and had it done in less than 30 minutes.If you don’t mind Waiting a week or two, then they are probably as good as the next guy.