Flooring Installations by jackking.com – Onsite Consultations

Arizona Home Floors, License #61586, Bonded & Insured
Jack King/Owner

Are you ready for an Onsite Consultation?


It’s a great way to start your remodeling project! Many of my customers are amazed when I explain the materials and techniques that we use, and how we can develop a design uniquely suited to their home. This can take your space from merely “nice” to really stunning. And choosing the right material and installation technique can be the difference between a sound investment and a very expensive mistake. Let me explain how the process works.


First of all, when I do a consultation, I explain everything. And that includes discussions about floor preparation, which most conversations from competitors often dodge. The reason that you won’t get straight talk about this subject is their fear of losing the sale, coupled with their lack of knowledge and expertise about this important subject. The simple fact is, floors that fail usually fail from lack of preparation. So with that in mind, there will be no quick estimates with expensive surprises later on! I want you to know all the facts and options up front so you can make the best possible decisions for your home and your budget. A consultation can take anywhere from one to three hours – as much time as it takes for you to have a clear understanding of everything that’s involved.


I take the time to understand all the factors that can affect the cost of a project – how old is the subfloor, is it cracked, how level is it, what kinds of coatings have been applied… the list goes on and on. But each of these things can affect the preparation that is necessary for a quality floor installation. It’s nearly impossible to give you a meaningful estimate without considering all these things, and that’s why information provided over the phone will be limited to the known facts.


Once you have decided that you’re serious about installing new floor coverings, we will schedule a time to meet onsite. I will take detailed measurements, determine what other factors might affect cost and, if you like, advise you on materials and design. All the decision makers should be in attendance.


At the end of the consultation, I will explain in detail what will be necessary for the project. I will be able to tell you about material quantities, layout and design options, floor preparation, how long the installation will take, and many other things that are unique to your project.

You will get a report including a detailed estimate and our recommendations. As I come equipped with a mobile office, I am able to provide this service immediately. I can also e-mail or fax the information directly to anyone you like, such as your General Contractor or designer.


During a consultation, I furnish you with detailed information and options concerning your project. This information will be useful and can potentially save you a lot of money.


I’d be happy to show you how we can help with your project. Just call me at 480-659-3199




Jack King/Arizona Home Floors Tile Removal Contact Form

This form is for homeowners or businesses, new and existing, who have questions about a tile or flooring removal project. The more information we have about your home and the flooring you have, the more accurate we can be when giving an estimate on removal costs.
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